Monday, April 30, 2007


Gorilla vs. Grizzly Bear!!!

Here are some links so you can do some research:

Photo info:


Unknown said...

Da Bears...

Anonymous said...

This is easy. The bear would win, how you ask? He will shoot a rainbow out of his chest (, and as the ray of rainbows hit the gorilla, he will forget his animosity to the bear and give him a friendly hug.

So... bear.

Anonymous said...

OR the two could end up mating and breed some sort of...


Anonymous said...

Gorilla. Opposable thumbs win every time, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Gorillas arent as smart as everyone thinks they are. One time I saw a gorilla at the zoo eat some poo. I dont think a bear would do that so I say Bear.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows I was killed by a hungry bear, Aaron, so this ain't exactly my idea of a #1 super big fun-time. If it's cool with you, I'm just going to sit here on this cloud and lurk until the next matchup. Then maybe I'll joke around.

kong said...

It would totally be the gorilla. He'd knock the bear over and then he would raise his mighty gorilla fists over his head and bring them down on the bears chest repeatedly. This would cause the bear's heart to literally burst.