Monday, June 11, 2007


Squirrel vs. Opossum!

Not much of a matchup you say? On the contrary, I happen to know it would be a very spirited showdown. Case in point, a squirrel once got into our apartment and left in a plastic bag being carried by the guy who shot it in the head and then clubbed it to death.

The opossum has a tail that is very strong!

Check out these links for more on their fighting styles:

Photo info:


Unknown said...

I know there's probably a huge size advantage on the possum's side, but I'm going to have to go with the squirrel. Unless like their babies are in danger, the possums' main move is to play dead. On the other hand, I've seen squirrels go buck wild and unleash the fucking fury. So, like the wily wolverine overpowering the lumbering bear with its ferocity, the squirrel should come out victorious.

Amy said...

Squirrel is my pick. Never liked those things. I'm convinced they're going to jump out of a tree at me and start biting me or something. No thank you. They are conniving, creeply little animals. Opossum don't scare me as much. They're just ugly with their freaky ratlike tail. I don't think they'd be able to get away fast enough from those sneaky squirrels.

Anonymous said...

Is the squirrel one of those cracked NYC park squirrels?

If not, I say possum. "Playing possum" is an NBA-worthy fake out.

Also, possums are creepy, and creeps always win.

Unknown said...

Proof of squirrel unleashing-the-fucking-fury powers.

kong said...

yeah, but the squirrel was "dispatched by a 74 year old man with a cane. I'm not sure if attacking old people and then being killed by one is classified as tough.

Unknown said...

I wasn't talking "tough," I was talking fury. Let's see a possum wreak that kind of havoc.

Unknown said...

I'm going with oppossum, solely because I have actually been chased by one in my backyard as a child. And it made a strange hissy noise. And its eyes reflect the tiniest bits of light at you in the dark which make me think of ghosts and spooks. It scared the crap out of me. No squirrel has ever chased me down, and I even had one as a pet once, named Squeaky.

All bets are off though if both animals are rabid. Then it's a Sabertooth versus Wolverine type of show down.

kong said...

A quick tally has the squirrel over the opossum 3 to 2. However, the opossum is the clear winner. As the squirrel approaches the opossum goes into playing dead mode. The squirrel is lulled into a false sense of security as it seemingly has all the time it wants in order to verify that the "dead" opossum is not a pile of nuts or acorns. While the stupid squirrel sniffs around the opossum wraps it's tail around the squirrel's feet and brings it to the ground. Mr. opossum in full on attack mode then grabs the squirrel with it's huge clawed opossum paws and pins it to the ground. The opossum is then able to move his hairless tail to the squirrel's throat and strangle the life out of the poor fluffy tailed rat.

Anonymous said...

Good post.